Separate training camps were underway on penultimate weekend before the LEJOG challenge begins; one group toured the Oxfordshire countryside and the other was in Wiltshire.  

The Oxfordshire camp raced around 100 mile loop at lightning speed, chain-ganging (rotating the leader while the others draft behind) at a phenomenal pace. These guys could do LEJOG in 3 days at this pace!  

The Wiltshire camp took things a little more steady, not through choice, more through the savage hills that forced the pace below 10 mph at one stage. Although the steep hills did have one advantage; what goes up must come down and with the wind in their favour the LEJOG top speed was under threat. Pete managed to smash Jimmo's previous best of 43mph with an electric 47.3mph but Jimmo retains his top spped title with a blistering 47.5mph!
Mikey and Macca were nowhere to be seen and were left trailing in their wake. 

The following day the Wilshire crew tested their legs with a light 70 miler and joined up with the Bath Cycling Club, "The BCC". Paul aka "Alberto Contador" controlled the pace from the front and effortlessly pulled away from the field when the roads opened up. Brian "Gandalf the Wise" passed on some of his wisdom on everything about cycling including saddlesores (actual sores, not just nappy rash as some of us had initially thought!), the best bicycle pump on the market, nutrition and more.
Another member of the BCC, Howard, or as we like to call him, "The H-bomb" showed his true strength when Pete and Macca were struggling at the rear of the group and "The H-bomb" called upon his atomic power to drag the boys back to join the leading group at break-neck speed. See below for a photo of the team with the BCC.

Thank you to all those at the BCC for enjoyable (and educational!) day. For information on the Bath Cycling Club please visit

Training is complete, the challenge looms...

left to right: (back) Pete, Andy, "Paul Contador", "Gandalf", Jimmo, (front) "The H-bomb", Mikey and Ollie.
stephen cribbett
8/4/2009 06:51:48 pm

Fellas, good luck!


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